The Protection You Need
General liability insurance helps protect a company’s assets in cases where bodily injury or property damages result from an unforeseen incident. It covers areas of liability that concern a business’ property, operations and products. Property protections cover any accidents or injuries that take place on a company’s property. Product protections cover any damages or injuries caused by a product design or malfunction. General liability insurance also covers any legal costs associated with a liability claim. These costs may include lawyer fees, court expenses as well as any loss of earnings that result from having to make court appearances.
More commonly referred to as Errors & Omissions (E&O), but also referred to as professional indemnity insurance (PII), Professional Liability Insurance will protect you if you or your company provides professional advice or provides a service. Its purpose is to protect you from bearing the full cost of defense against a negligent claim made by a client and any damages awarded such as a civil lawsuit. Depending on your coverage, Professional Liability Insurance may also provide for defense costs, including when legal action turns out to be groundless. This coverage does not include criminal prosecution or a wide range of potential liabilities under civil law which may be subject to other forms of insurance. E&O Insurance is a requirement for certain professionals and other areas of expertise (i.e. medical, legal, real estate, attorneys, doctors).
Most states (with a few important exceptions) essentially require employers to purchase an insurance policy to handle their statutory obligations to workers who are injured or made ill due to a workplace exposure. Whether your business is small or large, handling the expense and effort of meeting those statutory obligations is an ever-present challenge. We can help you take care of these needs.
A business owner policy packages all required coverage a business owner would need. Often, BOPs will include business interruption insurance, property insurance, vehicle coverage, liability insurance, and crime insurance . Based on your company’s specific needs, you can alter what is included in a BOP.